Seaport NxG

Seaport Next Generation (Seaport NxG) has made electronic procurement of Engineering, Technical, and Programmatic support services at NAVSEA a reality. The Navy Virtual SYSCOM Commanders (NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NAVSUP, and SPAWAR) have decided to leverage the successes and efficiencies of the Seaport-e business model by designating Seaport-e the vehicle of choice for future Engineering, Technical, Financial, and Program Management contractor support services. This decision emphasizes the Navy Virtual SYSCOM's focus on implementing cost-effective and integrated business practices to better support our Navy.

To learn more about the Seaport NxG contract please visit the NAVSEA Seaport NxG website.

Contract Number N0017819D8540
Clients NAVSEA Program Executive Offices, Directorates, Warfare Centers and field activities
Contract Period of Performance 1/2/2019 – 1/1/2024
Program Ceiling $5,000,000,000
Available Order Types CPFF, CPIF, CPAF, FFP, FPI
Senior Technical Representative Jay Sullivan, 540-663-9034 x4122
Contracting Officer Amy Stuchell, 860-326-3639

Team Capabilities

Sonalysts' core competencies for support of NAVSEA and the Virtual SYSCOM include:

  • Advanced Training Systems and Information Technologies
  • Human Systems Integration and Performance Assessment
  • Platform and Combat Systems Modeling and Simulation, including Commercial Military Game Simulations
  • Submarine and Surface Ship Systems Engineering
  • World-Class Video, Audio, and Animation Production Facilities