Human Performance Improvement
What We Do
Human Systems Integration (HSI) is a human-centric systems engineering process. By focusing on the human part of the human-machine interface, a better solution for the overall system often results. We are recognized experts in HSI, which extends far beyond Human Factors Engineering (HFE). Our HSI work has resulted in world-class systems for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, and the approach can be used in any system design. Sonalysts provides the expertise to apply HSI principles in acquisition programs, systems design, and research and development. Our Human Autonomy Interaction Laboratory (HAIL) serves as a test bed and R&D capability for assessing interactions between humans and the systems we use. HAIL research extends from applied HFE and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) topics, to Biometrics, and to the development and evaluation of Command and Control (C2) concepts for unmanned systems.
Relevant Examples

Human Autonomy Interaction Laboratory
Human Autonomy Interaction Laboratory (HAIL) strives to be the nexus of multidisciplinary research and development. Our work leverages collaboration among partners in various technical disciplines to advance our capabilities. While our Research and Development (R&D) portfolio spans a variety of campaigns, the common thread woven into all HAIL R&D is the interaction between humans and complex systems.

Adaptable Environment for Space Operations
Current U.S. Air Force satellite operations are conducted using multiple stove-piped ground systems built for the Command and Control (C2) of a single satellite or family of satellites. These systems are often proprietary designs initially built to support a particular mission, resulting in a proprietary ground system design with limited consideration for operator usability. Operators must learn the particulars of each new system, requiring months of specific and in-depth training for each new ground system, which increases training and operational costs.