Modeling and Simulation
What We Do
Modeling and simulation is one of Sonalysts’ core capabilities used to support our simulation-based training products, operations analysis work, and systems engineering projects. Sonalysts has extensive experience in the development, validation, verification, and accreditation of models and simulations for use in government programs. Our modeling and simulation capabilities were cultivated while serving the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) in the 1980s and 1990s. Sonalysts continued to grow these capabilities, including expanding into other tactical domains. Our commercial game group was formed in the mid-1990s, with a focus on building games and tools to support the training, research and development, operations research, and entertainment needs of military and commercial clients.
As a result of many of these efforts, Sonalysts' Combat Simulations™ (SCS) was created. We also invested in the development of our own proprietary Simulation Engine II (SEII), which is a Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) combat simulation engine designed specifically to support multi-domain operations at strategic, theater, operational, and tactical levels.
Relevant Examples

Simulation Engine II
Simulation Engine II (SEII) is a Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) combat simulation engine designed specifically to support multi-domain operations at multiple levels - strategic, theater, operational, and tactical.

Sonalysts’ experience with SBIR N192-094, Multiplayer Serious Game for Anti-Submarine Warfare Sonar Operator Training, provides another illustration of Sonalysts’ ability to produce robust multi-player simulations.

Mission Offensive Jammer Operations - MOJO Phase II Small Business Innovative Research
Mission Offensive Jammer Operations (MOJO) is an Electronic Warfare (EW) mission-planning tool for the Air-Sea Battle space.

REDSPINUP Phase III Small Business Innovative Research
REDSPINUP is a PC-based student pilot pre-training simulation for Air Force base and local operational area familiarization.